HER Partners

HER Partners



Hi! I am Alyssa, founder of FITxLYS, dog mom, hiker, and coffee feen. I love sunset, long walks on the beach, (cut the tape sound), actually I enjoy sitting out in the sun, escaping off the grid for rejuvenation, and trying out new restaurants. I pride myself on living a balanced, active lifestyle that fuels my soul and goals. I started my personal training business inspired by my own wellness journey to walk alongside other women with a goal to become the best, healthiest version of themselves. The three foundational pillars of my business are mental health, nutrition, and exercise. When working with me, you get an all encompassing experience to get you to the person you want to become! For being a client of Telehealth for Her, I am extending to you 30% off your first training program. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you!